Model wife of Mexican drug lord El Chapo says 'he will die or go crazy' after prison cut his love-making time

The glamorous wife of mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is crying foul afterprison authorities cut her love-making time with him.
Guzman is going mad without sleep and sex in prison, according to his lawyers and doctors.
He is said be suffering depression, hallucinations and memory loss in the tough conditions in Ciudad Juarez jail.
The revelations come after his wife, US citizen Emma Coronel, filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission that her husband may die or "go crazy", The New York Post reports.
This included, she added, a claim that authorities had been too tough on her lover, cutting his "weekly love-making time with her from four hours to two", The Post said.
The model, 26, who married Guzman, 56, in 2008, has twin daughters with the con.
El Chapo has claimed guards are inflicting him with "psychological torture", it was said, saying that he would have preferred that they beat him instead.
His lawyer Attorney José Refugio Rodríguez claims Guzman "felt he was going to die".
It's not the first time Emma has gone into bat for her man.
The 26-year-old accused the Mexican government earlier this year of adopting harsh conditions to "get even" with the cartel boss because his escapes made them look bad.
She said: "They want to make him pay for his escape.
"They say that they are not punishing him. Of course they are.
Rodríguez, who has filed appeals to stop Guzman’s extradition to the U.S., said: "He doesn’t know when is day and when is night.
“He lives in constant anguish.”
El Chapo has escaped twice from prison - once in a load of laundry - while his U.S. extradition is said to relate to attempts to prosecute him in connection with 12 murders