Bright Sado Omo is a product of the prestigious Ambrose Alli University. He is a young critical realist writer, one who through is works has established a platform were critical issues which arise in the relations between humans are examined with the intention of proffering solutions to them all. He hails from Erhurun Uneme in Akoko-Edo local Government Area of Edo State,
a winner of the following Awards. Pen prize for Literature, kopa Prize and Dona drama Award. Here is his latest work: '' In The Struggle'' and '' Chewing Gum Politics'', two plays in one.
Bright sado
In the struggle
a winner of the following Awards. Pen prize for Literature, kopa Prize and Dona drama Award. Here is his latest work: '' In The Struggle'' and '' Chewing Gum Politics'', two plays in one.
Bright sado
In the struggle
The Book